Blink Levels

BLINK LEVELS are badges evaluating the level of experience and references each seafarer gains sailing sector.

He is just a less experienced seafarer in the yachting industry and has not many references to provide. The level badge is given regardless of the seafarer’s professional skills, which can still be excellent. It is quite common to start from a low BLINK LEVEL when you are young or you are looking for a job in the yachting industry for the first time.

He is a seafarer with a lot of experience and/or many references gained in the yacht sector.

  1. Based on the BLINK LEVEL owned by the seafarer.
  2. By referring to the detailed seafarer's CV .
  3. By evaluating the criteria on his assessment level in the gray chart of his CV CARD.       

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  1. By the seafarer’s CV which must be suitable and approved by our company.
  2. By the number of job references the seafarer has attached to his profile.
  3. By the number of YACHTBOOK references received from our owners.
  4. By the years the seafarer has spent at sea.
  5. By the job longevity.

No, they don’t. They are at the same level since two people can be assigned the same score using different criteria. You can have a level 5 with five years of navigation or with 4 job references attached. It is up to you to choose the most relevant information considering the crew job you are applying for. Having a higher BLINK LEVEL is definitely a positive factor.